State of Colorado (CO)/Department of Corrections (CDOC)

Case Study - The CDOC System Overhaul


The Colorado Department of Corrections (CDOC) embarked on a transformative journey with its Enterprise Information System Modernization & Migration project. This initiative aimed to replace aging, custom-built software systems with a contemporary, third-party suite, specifically targeting applications such as the Inmate Information System, Parole Board Actions application, Back Office Systems, and legal communication portals. As a dedicated subcontractor, our role has been pivotal in providing software development and comprehensive user research to ensure a seamless transition and enhanced functionality.

The Challenge

With outdated, tightly coupled legacy systems, CDOC required transitioning to more efficient, user-friendly software solutions to better align with their evolving operational needs. The challenge was a tech problem and involved understanding and integrating user feedback and preferences into the new systems.

Our Role and Approach

Our contribution as a subcontractor has been twofold: providing robust software development support and conducting in-depth user research. We have been actively involved in:

  1. Legacy Code Analysis and Minimal-Change Fixes: We delved deep into the existing legacy systems to understand, analyze, and fix the codebase with minimal changes. This ensured that the legacy systems remained functional during the transition phase.

  2. Backend Restructuring: A key part of our role was to restructure the backend to reduce the number of database queries. This optimization was crucial in maintaining the full functionality of old applications while transitioning to the new system. This approach improved the efficiency and speed of data retrieval and processing, enhancing overall system performance without requiring extensive backend overhauls.

  3. User Research for Non-Migrating Applications: For applications not migrating to the new suite, our team engaged in user research to understand the original purpose of these applications and how their usage evolved. This insight is critical for identifying solutions to existing issues and conceptualizing the modernization of these applications for future use.

  4. Agile Software Development and DevOps Practices: We are also instrumental in adopting commercial Agile software development and DevOps practices. This approach aims to expedite acquisitions, scoping, discovery, lean experimentations, iterations, and deployment of applications, thus reducing operational inefficiencies.

Value of Our Participation

Our role has brought significant value to the CDOC project:

  • We have provided essential support in resolving problematic data issues.
  • Our unique adaptability has enabled us to create repeatable workflows for users in the legacy system, facilitating a smoother transition to the new system.

Technical Environment

Our work involves diverse technologies, including PHP, Shell, JavaScript, Drupal, Informix DB, Infrastructure-As-Code (IAC), Ci/CD Customized Scripts, Git, and Cloud Infrastructure (Azure). This technical environment allows us to tailor our approach to each specific aspect of the project, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness.


As the CDOC Enterprise Information System Modernization & Migration Project continues, our ongoing efforts as a subcontractor are crucial in transforming CDOC’s digital landscape. Our comprehensive approach, combining technical expertise with user-centric research, lays the groundwork for a more efficient, agile, and future-ready CDOC. Through our work, we are addressing immediate tech needs and paving the way for long-term operational success and sustainability.